
Ron Hanks, the Chairman of the Colorado GOP Ballot and Election Security Committee, invited a subject matter expert to discuss with County Chairmen and concerned Republicans about the (mysterious) RLA.  "Witness One" explains the Risk Limiting Audit in layman's terms, along with explainations of its shortfalls.

COGOP Risk-Limiting Audit Briefing Nov 28, 2023 - PART 1


Part 1 of this briefing provides an overview of critical issues with the risk-limiting audit (RLA) during November 2023 election in Colorado. This includes the biased selection of contests to audit in each county and using RLA software rather than "a manual random audit" [by comparing the audited ballots to the cast vote record (CVR) for that ballot card] as required by Colorado statute.

CO GOP Risk-limiting Audit Briefing November 28, 2023, Part 2


In Part 2, we demonstrate how to use the RLA audit tool to evaluate sample sizes and discuss some options to challenge the RLA implementation. As conducted, the RLA fails to achieve a 3% risk limit for most contests in Colorado.
