


This excellent chart was compiled by Steve Brown, Chairman of the Phillips County GOP and Jody Nickerson, Patriot. 
CLICK HERE to view as a printable pdf file. 

Peg Cage's MyColoradoGOP.org opinion aligns with those of three friends who gathered the information to present to interested members of their church.  After they presented each measure, they led a discussion about it.  It was very much like a local caucus, and very informative.  The local ballot measures are for Longmont.  They present their reasons for their conclusions IN THIS PDF.

Kim Monson's 2024 Colorado Voter Guide:  https://votersguide2024.kimmonson.com/kms2024vg

Update Oct. 22, 2024

Here's a well-researched document on the judges from a friend of Kim Monson:

This is from Kim Monson:
My recommendations are:


All the other judges “NO.”

That is the best that I have right now.


Oct. 21, 2024

The rule of thumb when voting to retain judges is like that of cleaning house – “When in doubt, throw them out.”  Since that’s a little crass, here’s a little more detail…

From CO Springs –




Jon Caldara - https://gazette.com/opinion/vote-no-on-all-judges-to-fix-colorados-incestuous-unethical-mess-caldara/article_5e775568-8d5c-11ef-a7d7-e7184e00cec4.html


OP/ED Gazette Sunday, October 20, 2024 OPINION

EDITORIAL: Vote to oust Berkenkotter, Boatright, Marquez from Colorado’s Supreme Court


The following information is about Proposition 131 from before it was titled as Initiative 310.  Unfortunately, we did not have the millions of dollars necessary to counter Kent Thiry's efforts by collecting enough signatures to get our "Good Initiatives" on the ballot.  PLEASE VOTE NO ON 131!

We must defeat Kent Thiry's ballot initiative or our party (all parties!) will be gone. 

Let me tell you what Thiry is putting on the November ballot:  

We can combat these with our Good Initiatives:

We need the help of all concerned Coloradans to prevail: 

We respectfully request that you personally volunteer to circulate and that you send out this urgent Call to Action to all your mailing lists and urge everyone you know to circulate the Good Initiative petitions. Please contact us with any questions or if you would like one of us to speak at a meeting/event to better inform people.

Together we can Save the Party,

The Good Initiatives Committee
Linda, Candice, Peg and Michelle
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.