
January 6, 2025

By George Tristan

Although the experience of the pandemic was tragic and caused great harm to our way of life, especially the impact resulting from the lock-downs. Ironically, we were also blessed when schools transitioned to remote learning, providing parents with a window into the type of curriculum that our children were being taught. Teachers and school administrators were exposed as parents began to discover that their children were being indoctrinated into radical ideologies that are racially biased and sexually perverse. These ideologies are called Critical Race Theory (CRT), which pits white students against all other children of color; and Transgenderism that teaches that children can change their gender from girl to boy and vice-versa.

We learned of one such experience in the Poudre School District. This is a story that gained national attention of the daughter of Erin and Jonathan Lee, who was attending an after school Art Club, which was in truth, a PRIDE grooming club. These types of revelations have been discovered by parents in school districts all across the nation. Parents throughout the country have courageously taken up the fight at school board meetings and by creating organizations like Protect Kids Colorado.

The following excerpt is from an essay written by Christopher Rufo, "The Left Is Reengineering the Human Soul. Our Children Are the Guinea Pigs"", an acclaimed expert on the issues of CRT and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI):

"That future has already arrived. Public school districts across the country have begun to apply the principles of critical pedagogy in the classroom. The practice follows a recurring pattern: Teachers set an emotional anchor by framing the United States as an oppressive society, separate individual students into the categories of “oppressor” and “oppressed,” and direct the group toward prearranged political conclusions. As the diversity czar and activist teachers at Buffalo Public Schools recently explained, school districts that follow the “pedagogy of liberation” begin “preparing [students] at four years old,” train them to achieve “critical consciousness,” and transform them into “activists for antiracism.”"

The following excerpt is another essay written by Christopher Rufo, "Banging Beyond Boundaries", where he exposes the deviant goals and objectives of our K-12 education system:

"I have obtained videos from a publicly accessible website that show that the conference went far beyond the school district’s euphemism about “issues facing the trans community.” The event included sessions on topics such as “The Adolescent Pathway: Preparing Young People for Gender-Affirming Care,” “Bigger Dick Energy: Life After Masculinizing [Gender Reassignment Surgery],” “Prosthetics for Sex,” “The Ins and Outs of Masturbation Sleeves,” and “Trans Sex: Banging Beyond Binaries.” The conference attendees included educators, activists, adults, and adolescents. There were graphic sessions on prosthetic penises, masturbation toys, and artificial ejaculation devices, which some hosts explicitly promoted to minors. As one session host explained, “there’s no age limit, because I feel like everybody should be able to access certain information.”"

We must come to the realization that if these perversions of our children's minds are not ended, then these diabolic ideologies will become normalized and forever part of our culture.

The Colorado legislature has passed many bills that advance these radical and woke ideologies. We must take up this fight and work towards the eventual rescinding of these harmful laws. Colorado HB19-1129 is an example of how parental rights and liberties are being stolen. This law criminalizes any other therapy a therapist is allowed to offer to a child experiencing gender dysphoria (gender confusion), other than affirmation of the childs delusion.

Children and parents are being robbed of the opportunity to receive critical care, and instead are put on the road of harmful puberty blocker drugs that can lead to sterilization, and eventually receiving genitalia-mutilating surgeries, leaving their bodies scarred for life.