
The following Boulder County Republicans are asking for your support. Each person on our slate of candidates has been an engaged and contributing member of Colorado elections for many years, and each one holds traditional and conservative values.

We commit to fight and defend all members of our community from the radical progressive ideologies of the Left, work towards correcting an election system lacking in transparency and accountability and promote candidates in elections Statewide who ascribe to MAGA - America First principles.

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Peg Cage


Peg Cage is a former Chairman of Boulder County Republicans, former and current President of Longmont Republican Women, author of the website MyColoradoGOP.org, current Bonus Member for BCR, and she ran in 2020 for State Senate in Boulder's SD18.  She twice served on the Colorado GOP Executive Committee.  She was appointed to represent the CO GOP on the Secretary of State Bipartisan Advisory Committee.  Peg has long worked with others toward honest citizen-controlled elections, challenging canvass boards to refuse to certify county elections, and developing hand-counting methods for organizations which can be scaled to facilitate one-day in-person precinct level elections.  Peg was one of the proponents of the Good Initiatives, which were designed to permanently stop ranked choice voting and all-candidate primary elections in Colorado, which were on the ballot as Proposition 131 and failed this year.

Peg fully supports the caucus, assembly, and closed primary election system, the 2024 Republican Platform, our newly elected and former President Trump, and the bylaws of the Boulder and Colorado GOP.  “Fully supports” includes the parts that facilitate making necessary changes to the bylaws!

Her political motto is “Don’t Do Politics Alone.” 

Her favorite quote is attributed to George Washington – “Government is not reason; it is not eloquence - it is force!  Like fire it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master; never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action.”  (To which she adds, “What!? You let the government control your elections!?”)

She would like to see more people get involved in implementing the changes, at every level, needed to save this nation from our impending totalitarian destruction. 


David Brown

Vice Chairman

When I first got into politics well into young adulthood, for which we can thank Rush Limbaugh, my #1 issue was the national debt.  I’m not sure how I made it to that mentality but I’ve never been a fan of debt or deficits since I learned the issues.  Call me crazy, but paying interest never, ever made sense to me.

Fast forward 30 years and the debt is now my #2 issue, replaced completely by our crooked elections and how we got there.  There is overwhelming evidence that our elections are anything but honest and its problems are well documented and conclusive. 

This past two-year cycle we have finally elected a state party chairman who feels the same.  His agenda seems to be whatever we can do to gain whatever control we can over our nominating process.  He needs more support than seems possible but we need to offer whatever we can.

Helping our state party gain control of our nominating process constitutes probably 90% of what motivates me politically.  We are fighting nefarious forces in our own party who apparently have chosen protecting the open primary and every peripheral issue associated with that as their hill to die on.  It’s that bad.  It’s a big fight and it’s my desire to see those people defeated so Republicans can once again choose Republicans for our nominees.

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George Tristan

Vice Chairman

I believe that we are living in historic times; the world seemed to take a drastic turn in 2020 with the pandemic. Since that time, we have seen so many aspects of our lives upended, where our freedoms and liberties have been undermined, and radical progressive ideologies have infiltrated our politics and culture. Compound all this with the fact that we live in a deep blue state and county, where we have a Democrat-controlled legislature, and who also hold all legislative offices in Boulder County.

Republicans have not won a legislative office in Boulder County for decades, data reflects the fact that not only do we continue to lose elections, but that the margins of losses continues to increase. The consistent losing has left BCR members discouraged, and the size of BCR membership remains stagnant. 

President Trump has proven that strong, courageous, and unapologetic leadership is what people want today. We should emulate the strength and courage he exudes, right here in Boulder County, versus the moderate and appeasing style of leadership that has proven not to increase membership or win elections.

Our coalition will provide fresh ideas and bold initiatives. It will not be business as usual.

Elected Chairman of Boulder County Republicans

Leads protest in Niwot in stand against Drag Queen story hour for children

Resigns as Chairman of the Boulder County Republicans

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Bob Reeves

Vice Chairman

Bob Reeves is a second generation Colorado native. He grew up in Weld County, but has lived in Boulder County for the past 40 years. He attended The University of Colorado – Boulder where he received a BA in Biology, and The University of Northern Colorado where he received an MA in Chemistry. He worked in industry for 35 years as an Analytical Chemist/Materials Scientist. He is now retired and is currently active as a Constitution Coach for Patriot Academy, Men’s Advocate for Life Choices Pregnancy Resource Center and intern with Sunrise Ministries Support Group.

Bob was a Precinct Committee Person in Boulder leading up to the 2018 election. In 2020 Bob volunteered to be a District Captain and again in 2022. He was a Poll Watcher and as served as an Election Judge in signature verification 2020-2023. He was Campaign Manager for Kathy Reeves’ bid for House District 11 in the 2024 election.

Bob can be depended upon to vote for and follow righteousness according to Biblical values. He would like for the Boulder County Republicans executive committee to provide more support to candidates running in Boulder County and to recruit, train and support District Captains.

He and his wife Kathy reside in southwest Longmont and have six adult children and three grandchildren.

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Cathy Jarrett


I have lived in Boulder County since 1968.  I attended my first caucus in the early 1980’s and was elected to the Republican State Assembly that year. Later in the 1990’s I became a Precinct Committee Person for my precinct.  Then I was a District Captain over 17 precincts for many years and I continued to be a PCP.  During that time, I became increasingly responsible for caucuses and for many aspects of our County Assembly.  I have also worked as an election judge in various positions beginning in 1990.

In 2011 I was asked to be the County Party Secretary, a position that I held for 12 years.  During the last two years in that position, I trained the current Secretary and then for the last two years helped her when requested.  She will not be running for another term, and I have been asked to run for that position again.  I am willing to resume the position of Secretary and to support the Boulder County Republican Party in working to return government on all levels to the original US Constitution and to the values upon which our country was founded.

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Charlie Danaher

Bonus Member

Charlie is the 13th of 16 children. He holds degrees in Physics and Mechanical Engineering. He and his wife have lived in Boulder for over 35 years and have five children. 

Charlie is a frequent contributor to local newspapers, commenting on a wide range of social and political issues from a libertarian and conservative perspective.

Charlie has been involved in Boulder County politics and BCR for more than 20 years, serving as election judge, Vice Chairman, PCP, District Captain, and Publicity Chairman.

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Kathy Reeves

Bonus Member

Kathy is a Colorado native and wife to Bob Reeves. Together they have six adult children and three grandchildren. They have lived in Boulder County for many years.

As a strong supporter of Making America Great Again, Kathy is thrilled that Trump and Vance are now carrying out the agenda that they promised to the American people. This does not mean we can sit back and relax, because all is well. Many changes have not yet occurred in our city and county. Much work will still be needed to help move towards respecting individual liberties, achieving a limited government, promoting free enterprise, and returning to constitutional and biblical values.

Kathy has served as an election judge, a poll watcher, and a PCP during the last several years. She also ran for State Representative in 2024. To learn more about Kathy and where she stands on the issues, please visit her campaign website, which is still active, at https://www.reevesforcolorado.com/


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Steven Altschuler

Bonus Member

In the past 20 years, I have seen a huge shift in the mentality of Politicians here in Colorado. At first, politicians were here to serve the interests of the citizens. The shift that I have seen is not just in Colorado, but many states throughout the country. Starting with my own California and reaching all the way to New York. The shift entails our politicians having more of a Ruler or Dictator mindset VS. a servant mindset. It seems that more and more we are being told what we can and cannot do, what kind of car we can drive, what kind of appliances we can have (Longmont wants to outlaw gas appliances), during Covid-if we can fly, if we are allowed outside and even if we can have company in our own homes. We are watching while many try to halt our first and second amendments. 

 Five years ago, I started to get involved with local city council functions. I have seen over and over how the Liberals on city council refuse to even acknowledge citizens wants and desires. This is absolutely WRONG. The more I see the angrier I became as many sit back and do nothing.

Right now, after supporting President Trump, we have a real opportunity to turn Colorado around. To become RED again. To regain our rights and freedoms. And to give our children the same opportunities that we had growing up. 60% of kids, in Colorado, cannot read or write at grade level. Thousands of babies are being aborted, thousands of kids are being confused about their gender, tens of thousands are living off the work of others without lifting a finger for themselves. Tens of thousands more are being threatened with the loss of their second amendment, with the loss of banking opportunities, with the loss of their jobs and more.

If we don't stand up and help turn Colorado around, to regain personal freedoms, to protect our kids, to reduce crime, to reduce drugs, to reduce illegal aliens, criminals and terrorists that now call Colorado home-who will?

If not us-who, If not now-when?

Andrew Rogers

Bonus Member

Are you tired of seeing conservatives and patriots continue to lose ground, year after year, as the Woke-Globalist Left in Colorado gains ever more dominance of our institutions? Are you tired of letting them control the mainstream narratives, and falsely portray us as the "radicals" and "extremists"? Are you tired of watching them become increasingly draconian and tyrannical in their censorship of our speech?  And are you tired of continuing to lose elections that, in a sane world, we should be winning in landslides?

Of course you are. So what are we gonna do about it? The same old stuff that hasn't been working and hasn't produced victories? Or are you willing to try something new, different, and creative? If the latter, then I ask you to consider me for BCR Bonus Member. Let us brainstorm together to develop effective messaging and outreach strategies for our ever-changing media/cultural landscape. What I bring to the table is a uniquely diverse working-class perspective. I understand why most poor & working-class Coloradans feel so disenfranchised and apathetic today. And that if we can find a way to engage them and bring them on board, our movement would be unstoppable!

I also bring a wide-ranging knowledge of Left-wing culture, history, and thought. This is because I spent most of my life immersed in it. During my years as a progressive activist in WI, AZ, CA, and TX, I saw how the sausage of Leftist indoctrination is made. And now I want to help us "un-make" it. As a parent of teenage daughters, I am now able to clearly see the damage & suffering that Leftist ideology has wrought. And I have made it my mission to fight against it and to help the MAGA/MAHA movement bring common sense pro-freedom values back to our county & our state.