
January 21, 2025

By George Tristan

Quietly, the Democrats have stopped calling President Trump, “Hitler.” Now, they’ve self-righteously latched onto calling him a “felon.” Are they not aware that the mere act of ceasing to call him Hitler - is an admission that it was always a lie? Eventually, the felon label will also fade away, either due to the appellate process or because Democrats will move on to more creative fear-mongering slander, such as, “Trump is Darth Vader!”. I suppose President Trump deserves the petty attacks, considering he called former President Biden “lying Joe,” and there’s “crazy Nancy,” or, my personal favorite, “pencil-neck Schiff”. What comes around, goes around.

Instilling fear and loathing into hearts and minds of the Democrat faithful, while avoiding objective truth, is the superpower the Democrat machine possesses to exert mind control - like a Jedi Master. It’s why students on college campuses across our nation chanted, “I am Hamas!”. Which may be the all-time unethical and immoral position Democrats have ever ascribed to, identifying and in agreement with terrorists that raped wives and mothers in front of their family members (https://www.foxnews.com/world/hamas-terrorists-systematically-intentionally-committed-sexual-violence-oct-7-attack-report).

These past four years have been a dumpster fire, and the Democrats in Washington, as well as Denver, have been the arsonists. Consider the whole of their policies and the detrimental impacts that we are all still living under today. Lowered standard of living for working-class Americans and the entrenchment of two bloody wars. From 2020-2023, a significant increase of violent crime when unreported incidents are factored in. Dramatic increase in people experiencing homelessness, overdose deaths, failing student academic performance, and a critical mental health crisis.

I honestly struggle to draw a definitive conclusion if supporting Democrat policies can be accomplished with a clear conscience. I wrestle with nailing down whether continually supporting a failed agenda is willful negligence, or merely a lack of critical thinking skills. It is not my intent to be insulting, I am simply not able to understand why they continue to buy into radical ideologies that erode social norms, economic prosperity, and national security.

Democrats need to stop making excuses for bad policy and poor leadership.

Personally, I remember that life was pretty darn good during Trump’s first presidency. The list of Trump’s accomplishments during his first term is lengthy (https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/trump-administration-accomplishments), here are but a few highlights:  No new wars. I put this atop the list because I remember many prominent Democrats saying immediately after Trump took office, that he was going to start World War III. The American economy grew favorably for working-class Americans, as middle-class family income increased nearly $6,000. Unemployment rates for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, Native Americans, veterans, individuals with disabilities, and those without a high school diploma all reached record lows; notably, the unemployment rate for women reached its lowest level in 70 years.

Facts matter, truth matters.

Credit to President Trump for signing the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) during his first term, the largest tax reform package in history. The false narrative that Democrats were fed by the spoonful was that TCJA only benefitted the wealthy. Actually, more than 6 million American workers received wage increases, bonuses, and increased benefits thanks to the tax cuts. It doubled the standard deduction, making the first $24,000 earned by a married couple completely tax-free. It also doubled the child tax credit.

History is prologue. Democrats would serve themselves well if they learned from it. President Trump’s second term administration has once again begun the work to return economic prosperity to us all, secure our national borders, end senseless wars, protect girls and women’s safe spaces, and deport violent illegal aliens. Here’s the undeniable truth, dyed in the wool progressive Democrats oppose all of Trump’s MAGA policy initiatives.

It should be noted that there were many Democrats this past election cycle that were “red-pilled”, I am referring to those that courageously walked away from the Democrat party. The future is bright and hopeful in the eyes of these “new arrivals”. I salute you because that brave and fateful decision comes with a price. You will undoubtedly be subjected to hate and disdain, sadly, even from close friends and family members.

Stand strong, you’ve made the right decision.