
Monday, February 3, 2025
Boulder County, Colorado


At the Boulder County Republican Organizational meeting on Saturday, February first, a MAGA Slate ran unopposed, and they have now assumed the offices of Chairman, Vice Chairmen, and Secretary, as well as claiming several of the voting seats on the Colorado GOP State Central Committee.  The new BCR Administration is looking forward to working with the Republicans in Boulder County with the same vision as President Donald Trump.  (See the RNC’s 20 Promises to the American People.)

In her speech accepting the nomination for Chairman, Peg Cage said that her Slate “pledged to uphold the purpose of the Republican party, which is to promote the values and principles of the Republican platform and elect as our representatives in government people of our same affiliation.” She talked about her work at the state GOP level, where she “pushed back as state chairman after state chairman rejected the Republican Platform and claimed the GOP needed to ‘embrace the left to win for the right.’” 

Cage and the three Vice Chairmen, George Tristan, David Brown, and Bob Reeves, and Secretary Cathy Jarrett, along with the entire Slate, are all strong in their support for opting out of state-run semi-open primary elections and nominating Republican candidates to the general election ballots through a process involving only Republicans.  The MAGA Slate put together a web page with their vision for Boulder County, mycoloradogop.org/480-maga-coalition.  The BCR website is www.bocogop.org.

When asked for a comment, Slate member LeMoine Dowd said, "Common Sense wins the day!"

Contact – Peg Cage This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..