
December 19, 2024

Compiled by Peg Cage, www.MyColoradoGOP.org

Tina Peters sits in jail now as a warning to any would-be whistleblower against election corruption in Colorado.  Barb Hulet, the CORA Queen, bravely gave interviews to two journalists to disclose what her Colorado Open Records Act research revealed about some of Mesa County’s “elected” officials’ relationships and dealings with election equipment providers.  The two resulting stories provide the latest chapter in Colorado’s “Gold Standard elections” book of fiction and facts.

The first was titled Truth is Treason in an Empire of Lies, written by Erin Clements and posted on Dec. 2, 2024.  https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/12/bombshell-exclusive-colorado-officials-persecuting-tina-peters-worked/  The article builds upon this allegation:

After Peters’ sentencing last month to nine years in prison—new information has surfaced showing that Colorado officials were working for Dominion and Runbeck, while simultaneously orchestrating Peters’ reputational and legal downfall through back channels.

In the second, Jen Schumann’s Dec. 10 article, ‘If you want the truth, seek the truth’: Mesa Co. Clerk Gross responds to article allegations, Jen quotes Bobbie Gross, the current Mesa County Clerk and Recorder as saying, “I would just encourage people to ask the questions,” Gross said. “I’m open and honest with my communication, but to make insinuated remarks or write articles without actually talking to the person is really disheartening.”  https://rockymountainvoice.com/2024/12/if-you-want-the-truth-seek-the-truth-mesa-co-clerk-gross-responds-to-gateway-pundit-article-allegations/
There’s a problem with this statement, as you’ll see in Barb’s emails, below.  Note the date – Barb talked to Jen Schumann prior to the recent election and weeks prior to any publication of her CORA findings.  Barb was “open and honest” with her communications (both the interview and the follow-up email, below) with author Jen Schumann, but it seems like Jen forgot to pass that along to Bobbie and to encourage Bobbie to contact Barb.

From: Barbara Hulet
Date: Mon, Oct 28, 2024, 6:08 AM
Subject: Thank you for the interview

Dear Jen,

Good morning. I would like to add to my interview on Saturday and also thank you. It is imperative that we keep Tina's story alive while she sits behind bars. Tina preserved records, period. She went to the IT department, to her commissioners, even to the DA, Dan Rubinstein. All turned a deaf ear to Tina. When there was no one who would agree to a forensic back up after Tina was notified there was going to be an upgrade that Jena Griswold was going to do called the "Trusted Build", Tina made a plan due to the fact she asked Jena if the upgrade would erase any data. It was all clerk's jobs across this nation, not just Colorado, to protect data per federal law 22 months and state law 25 months. When Tina asked Jena Griswold if any data would be erased Jena's answer was yes, the upgrade would erase the QR code. Tina was protecting the People's most valuable voice, their vote. This nation learned through Tina's actions and her becoming a whistleblower just how valuable our voice at the ballot box is....she is now behind bars for exposing what we all needed to know. It has caused a four-year investigation done by grassroots people as the mainstream media has tried in every way to block what we all know to be facts and many have evidence. I, as one, have uncovered countless lies told by Mesa County. However, before I move on any further, let me tell you that Tina Peters, Sherronna Bishop and Dr. Frank brought in a forensic expert, in fact, a government informant to do the before the "Trusted Build" upgrade and the after forensic image. His name is Conan Hayes, who they introduced to Bobbie Daniels and Congress woman Lauren Boebert before he made the forensic images. Tina always made sure she was transparent. 

I have receipts where Wayne Williams' law firm was billing Mesa County when he was acting as Director of Elections from Aug. through November of 2021. There is a disclosure form (and a business card, below) from Wayne Williams that he also works as a supervisor for Runbeck. Wayne Williams also met with Lyn Bartels to figure out "media matters" as he replaced Tina Peters as DOE in Mesa County. Media matters? Lyn Bartels connected to Charles Ashby at the Grand Junction Sentinel, how cozy! His media matters meeting with Lynn, he billed Mesa County. I have the receipt.  (See 9-1-2021) Oh, what a tangled web when one tries to deceive.


Sheila Reiner termed out as Mesa County Clerk and Recorder in 2018. Bobbie Gross worked under Sheila Riener when she was acting clerk and recorder. Sheila Reiner ran for Mesa County Treasurer and Bobbie Gross ran for clerk and recorder. Sheila won her race for treasurer and Bobbie Gross lost to a business woman, Tina Peters. From that point forward shenanigans were foisted against Tina, including but not limited to someone hiding ballots in 2019 then accusing Tina of being so sloppy as the new clerk that she missed some 500 ballots. It was ongoing after that with Charles Ashby at the Grand Junction Sentinel writing over 700 defamatory articles on Tina. Remember Lyn Bartels and Wayne Williams meeting and Lyn being connected to Charles Ashby?

Let's move forward to the present. Tina is sitting in a jail cell because she protected the People's voice. Look at Mesa County reports 1, 2, and 3 that your readers can find at TinaPeters.us. These reports are compiled by cyber experts who looked at the before and after forensic images done on that fateful day in May of 2021. All clerks in Colorado should have been bold enough to do the same thing and why did DA Rubinstein, AG Phil Weiser and Weiser's attorneys, Shapiro and Drake want to hang Tina, along with Mesa County Commissioners, Scott McInnis, Cody Davis and Janet Rowland, Matt Crane CCCA's director and the voting machine and tabulator's CEO, himself, who was in an executive session with the Mesa County commissioners on Sept. 1, 2021?

BarbHuletArticle9 1 2021MesaCountyCommissionersMeetingMinutesP1WLineUnderDominion

Here is the description of Sheila Riener's position as treasurer. However, in the attachment you will see where Sheila Reiner is saying not to contact her at her treasurer email address but to contact her at her Dominion address which has the appearance that she is working for Dominion. Also Bobbie Gross has a Dominion email address, as well, but I am not going to comb through and try to find that one. So far, this is taking too much time. The story is huge with so many moving parts and so many involved from the DOJ down to the county commissioners, IT all to put an innocent woman away for life. Who knew how big this was, right here in Mesa County, Colorado. However, Dominion's office was right here in Colorado. Thank you for your time. Barbara Hulet

Here is Barb Hulet’s reply to Jen Schumann after her article defending Bobbie Gross was published in RockyMountainVoice.com:

From: Barbara Hulet
Date: Fri, Dec 13, 2024, 7:32 AM
Subject: Re: Thank you for the interview
To: Jen Schumann <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>, <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>

Dear Jen and Heidi, 


Jen Schumann, Writer
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.For TRUTH in reporting, Subscribe Hereit's FREE!  

If you want the Truth, Seek the Truth, an article all about deflecting and gaslighting! https://rockymountainvoice.com/2024/12/if-you-want-the-truth-seek-the-truth-mesa-co-clerk-gross-responds-to-gateway-pundit-article-allegations/

If I didn't know any better, Jen, I would think you were writing for the Grand Junction Sentinel's editor Charles Ashby. The saddest part Jen, you could have broken the article with the support I sent to you, but you chose to sit on it and maybe even pray it would never reach the light of day. Would you like more truth that Bobbie Gross and Sheila Reiner never disclosed except maybe to close friends? Ask the voters of Mesa County if they knew about the employment of Bobbie Gross with Dominion Voting Systems.  

When I met with Cody Davis on Monday December 9, 2024, he, as a Mesa County Commissioner and one who votes in Mesa County, did NOT know that either Bobbie Gross or Sheila Reiner were employed by Dominion. Yes, through emails and this article it affirms each of them were employed by Dominion and Ms. Poulson, the one who worked on trying to recall Tina Peters, was also offered a job with Dominion Voting Systems. There is an appearance of Bobbie Gross and Sheila Reiner having played a part in the recall effort, as well. Now there would be a story for you as a journalist to investigate as you seem to have a swinging door into Bobbie Gross' office/room. While you are at it as a journalist, maybe inquire into Gerry and Wendy Wood? How Gerry would run from being served a subpoena to be kept on the stand for the defense at Tina Peters' trial in August of 2024. DA Rubinsten didn't object to Sandy Brown or Stephanie Wenholz staying under oath but not Gerry staying under oath for the defense?  As I watched and I do have first hand knowledge of that unfolding, it appeared that day in court, the DA was colluding in that effort but I digress. Let's get back to the nice deflecting on your part as you try to help Bobbie Gross with her hand in the "cookie jar". In fact I felt I was reading a piece out of a liberal rag when they or theirs get caught. 

Let me go through the article and point out flip flopping as Bobbie tries to defend her position being employed by both Mesa County and Dominion Voting once she moved from working for Sheila Reiner, clerk and recorder to working for Sheila Reiner, treasurer and Dominion Voting. One minute Bobbie talks, in your article, about the great job she does working for Dominion on her assignment with other Colorado counties and other states with ballot layout then says Mesa County won't have to contract any longer.  “When I was elected to the office, one of the things I brought back was the ability to do our own ballot layout,” she said. “They used to hire Dominion to do their ballot layout and provide Election Day support, but I realized we didn’t have to contract for that anymore.”

She emphasizes the advantages of keeping the process internal: “We don’t have to pay the money to do it, and we have complete control over our system and the data we’re putting in there,” Gross said. The in-house approach also streamlined operations. Mesa County didn't have to contract with Dominion any longer; they had an employee who worked for them! One minute telling readers there is no conflict of interest then showing the reader, conflict of interest. Bobbie insinuates that Mesa County doesn't have to contract with Dominion any longer when the citizens know Mesa County has a 9 year contract with Dominion, very misleading. Are there separate contracts inside Mesa County's contract with Dominion, one for lay-out and one for machines? With what Bobbie states it appears there are/were multiple contracts inside Mesa County with Dominion. Even if Bobbie wasn't clerk and recorder for Mesa County in 2019-2020, she was still employed by Mesa County as Treasurer Tech II and Dominion Voting. 

The Bombshell article in the Gateway Pundit misinterpreted Bobbie???? Really??? Every piece of evidence that I shared in the Bombshell article that the author presented was attached, some of which I sent to you the day after our interview at Nucla City Park, that you did not attach to your article. I wanted the facts out and Erin Clements did just that and wrote a very informative and fact based article and put a nice bow on it with her own research and knowledge, as well. We just didn't know that Bobbie helped with lay out in New Mexico, too, until your article was published. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/12/bombshell-exclusive-colorado-officials-persecuting-tina-peters-worked/

You know, Jen, I have always wondered why both Sheila Reiner and Bobbie Gross weren't two witnesses for DA Rubinstein and Assistant AG Shapiro. I wonder if it has to do with Dominion's attorney, one of DA Rubenstein's witnesses, Michael Frontera at Tina Peter's trial who testified against Tina. He sent a letter to Bobbie Gross. If you will notice, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., employee at Dominion Voting was sent a letter from Michael Frontera Executive Vice President and General Council for Dominion Voting who then sent the letter to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  (Correction from Barb: Michael Frontera DID NOT testify at the trial, it was a different attorney.  Frontera did write the (heavily redacted) letter to "This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.," who later sent it to herself at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..)  The Dominion letter was sent from Denver. Obviously the general counsel and vice president knew full well that Bobbie Gross was employed by Dominion Voting and yet testified against Tina Peters. All I can do is repeat what Cody said to me on Monday when I asked his thoughts, "it stinks". A friend of mine once told me her dad always taught her that one cannot do wrong and feel right. There are no allegations or misinterpretations made as you, Jen, led readers to believe. Erin Clements in her Bombshell article at the Gateway Pundit presented facts and supported those facts. The bottom line, Bobbie Gross and Sheila Reiner are both employees at Dominion Voting and Sheila as Mesa County treasurer and Bobbie as tech II to the treasurer at the time, both receiving paychecks from Mesa County, Colorado and Dominion, and most citizens were none the wiser. Did Gerry and Wendy Wood know of this debacle as Gerry and Wendy stood spewing aspersions toward Tina Peters at her sentencing? Cody Davis didn't know, did Scott McInnis, the man who wants his name on canyons in Mesa County know? Did Matt Crane, whose wife has worked for Dominion Voting, know that both Bobbie and Sheila were employed at Dominion Voting as he, too,  spewed aspersions and now an innocent 69 year old woman is behind bars? How can all of you lie your head on your pillow and sleep at night?  I have more evidence if you want to rewrite your article and lay out the truth your second time around. I have paid good money for the evidence that I have gathered over the past 4 years and why did I care? I wanted facts to support my thoughts of a stolen election in 2020 and had no idea that there was one clerk brave enough to ask questions and try to protect data that would be erased through a "Trusted Build" upgrade done by none other than Dominion and our SOS of Colorado. Timing is very interesting to say the least.  In my opinion Bobbie Gross and Sheila Reiner knew full well of everything from the time Tina Peters became a whistleblower and before as there is a huge appearance of a coup d'etat forming from the minute Tina Peters swore her oath as Mesa County Clerk and Recorder. 

This is what happens when there is a lot of colluding going on. Now those same people are trying to make wrong, right, and right wrong, including but not limited to Jena Griswold and her office at the Secretary of State by exposing 634 BIOS passwords and she walks free. You cannot deny the truth when the facts are laid out in the Bombshell article at the Gateway Pundit. The article has gone viral according to Joe Hoft, brother and editor of the owner of Gateway Pundit.  

Projection and Deflection should have been your title to your article in The Rocky Mountain Voice. "Projection is a wonderful tool for propagandists", said David Clements. Neither Erin Clements or myself needed to visit with Bobbie or Sheila, for that matter, we had the facts, as did you Jen and they were presented in the "Bombshell".  Respectfully, Barbara Hulet 

Lest you start thinking that Barb is fabricating things, here’s Ashe Epp on December 8th, 2024, talking about Erin’s December 2nd article: https://rumble.com/v5xd00e-the-colorado-show-dec-8-new-election-deniers-co-stops-counting-and-new-info.html?start=1436  In this video, Ashe reads from her August, 2021 article about her concerns with Shelia Reiner and others (allegedly) retaining “access to highly secure facilities for election equipment.”  Why would a person who is a County Treasurer, the termed-out County Clerk, and employee of Dominion, need that kind of access?  Here’s the article from which Ashe read:  https://asheinamerica.wordpress.com/2021/08/18/the-tale-of-tina-peters-and-the-dark-days-ahead-for-whistleblowers/

And here's Heidi Ganahl, the Founder of The Rocky Mountain Voice, as guest host with Jeff Hunt on the Jeff and Bill Show on December 13, 2024, talking with Jen Schumann about her article, starting at 1:28:00.  https://x.com/i/broadcasts/1rmGPoAaoQXKN