Subject:  New CO GOP Vice Chairman Candidate Brings His Vision of Restoring Election Integrity by fighting to end Mail-In Ballots, and Ballot Harvesting.

“Where there is no vision, the people perish.” – Proverbs 29:18

Dear COGOP State Central Committee Member,

On my return flight from visiting four new countries (57 to date), the thought that came to my mind about Colorado Republican party officers, office holders, and greatest, Republican voters, is “the Stockholm Syndrome.”  It occurs when hostages or abuse victims’ bond with their captors or abusers.

While ministering (in a foreign country with a church there) to homeless people and young adults shooting up drugs before me, I knew these people knew what they were doing was wrong, and that the Lord Jesus Christ could save them if they would act courageously via Biblical Truth.   Why won’t these people wake up and fight this evil hell?

Similarly, Colorado Republicans have their own evil to fight.  The establishment wing of our party has told many lies for many years like:

  • “we must allow non-Republicans to choose our (Republican) candidates in ‘semi-open’ primaries”
  • “we must support Amendment Y & Z” (Redistricting plans promoted by Obama & Holder)
  • “we can only win with the unaffiliated”
  • “we must be an open tent”
  • “we need people who can raise the most money”
  • “we need to get Republicans elected”
  • “remember Reagan’s 11th Commandment and do not attack establishment, but we can attack you grassroot conservatives”; PS It’s Gaylord Parkinson’s Commandment you jester!

It certainly sounds like the Stockholm Syndrome, SO Enough of the LIES!  Our results of listening to the liberal, democrat, non-constitution, and non-conservative-platform-supporting-consultants and office holders who have been running the Republican party has been freedom loss for the people year after year, destroying us while the democrat-leaning consultants made off like bandits! 

We will win state and federal races in 2024 only IF we win our local school board and city government races in 2021 & 2023.

Who am I, you ask!

  • A proud registered Republican since age 18. Registered in Philadelphia, PA; in a city with 82% democrat registration and from a family where I was the only Republican.
  • One of eight 2012 CO RNC Delegates that Courageously Opposed the Nomination of Democrat Mitt Romney!
  • A two term Chairman and one term Vice Chairman of the Adams County Republican Party.
  • The only county Chairman (out of 64) to publicly thank Congressmen Buck, Lamborn, and Tipton for voting against a $1,100,000,000,000+ nine month Federal “Stimulus” (Omnibus) bill (in line with our Conservative Republican Platform) while publicly repudiating Senator Gardner & Congressman Coffman for voting for the monstrous bill (against our platform)!
  • A CO SCC member who put a motion down in Fall 2017 to stop the Semi-open Primary and non-Republicans in voting for Republican candidates (2/3 of SCC voted against my motion).
  • A County Chairman who was taken to court on a false (TRO) charge and the complainant (MW) and her attorney (R. Call) withdrew their own complaint. I was represented by JE. Call, a former COGOP Chairman, endorsed Democrat Biden for President.[1]  JE represented President Trump; she did an amazing job for an amazing President!!
  • Another state chairman (JH) proceeds with sanctions against me in 2018 for endorsing a candidate in a county that is nowhere near my jurisdiction; not violating my county, congressional, or state bylaws at the time. That “I can raise so much money” chairman ended up with the worst loss in 70+ years.
  • Opposed all state party electronic & proxy voting, bylaws changes, and online “meetings” that made us less transparent and more corrupt!

I have been asked to run for Vice-Chairman.

  • We must clean out the democrat communist cancer in our party NOW!! 
  • We must vet all “Republicans” NOW!
  • We must hold people accountable NOW! 

We can! SO today, I am entering the Vice Chairman race to petition my vision and purpose as below.

VISION – Make Colorado the Number One State in Freedom for ALL Families (Poor, Middle Class, and Affluent) by fully enacting our US Constitution and Conservative Platform at the Local and State Level!

MOTTO – “Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness (Property Rights)” for ALL!

TARGET – Focus on Party Strength and Election Intergity



1.       SUE and Overturn Semi-Open Primary by Q3 2021.

2.       Vet candidates for county and state party offices and elected offices for 2021 & 2022 races to ensure they are qualified for the office and are conservative, courageous, and ready to fight for our US Constitution & Conservative RNC Platform.

3.       Sue and overturn campaign finance limits by Q1 2022.



1.       Legislate to end Ballot Harvesting, Mail-In Ballots – All In-Person Elections by 2022.

2.       Engage Election Taskforce by Q3 2021.

3.       Fill all PCPs spots by Q2 2021.

4.       Reverse Republican Party Hemoraging by Q3 2021.

5.       Grow County Parties & Fundraise for local county success by Q3 2021.

6.       Fundraise for state party strength by Q2 2022.

7.       Have internal Communication Plan prepared by Q4 2021 for Nov 2022.



1.       Interact with voters 1-2 times a month in multiple ways especially during GOTV.

2.       Win 60% of local school board and city government races in Nov 2021. 

3.       Win 65% of all state races in Nov 2022.

Through the Lord Jesus, there is hope for those drug addicts I met and prayed for, if they listen to Biblical Truth!  And for Colorado Republicans, in the long term, there will be victory across all 64 counties (I’ve been to 63 so far), if:

  • We Constitutional Conservative Republicans have a steel spine of courage.
  • We Constitutional Conservative Republicans fight hard against the Communists with our Constitution and Conservative Republican Platform starting at the local level. 
  • We value Principles over Party and Personalities! 

God Bless!

Anil Mathai, BSChE, MBA, MDiv, LSSBB

Servant of Christ, Husband, Father

Former Chairman of the Adams County Republican Party (2015-2019)

COGOP SCC Member (2013-Date)

CO RNC Delegate 2012, 2016

