January 30, 2021


“Top to bottom, clean the house, and let’s get back an honest government that works for the people.  Remember, when the Constitution was formed, when it was written, they made it clear that… government does what we want it to do...  They work for us.”[i]
Lin Wood

Here are the basics.  To facilitate a “Republican form of government,” as guaranteed in the US Constitution,[ii] the state of Colorado has instituted a CAUCUS/ASSEMBLY/CONVENTION PROCESS for the two major parties.  The Party organizations are renewed in odd years and the party and partisan elections for public office are held in even years.

COUNTY CENTRAL COMMITTEE MEETINGS. Conducted by county party officers.
PCP’s and other committee members elect officers for the county party (Chairman, Vice Chairman/men, Secretary) and elect Bonus Members to the Colorado State Party Central Committee. Officers and Bonus Members serve a two-year term and represent the county as voting members of the Party’s State Central Committee.[iii]

Voting members of the current Central Committee were elected in the last even year.  If you have been working alongside of them to Make America Great Again, please consider attending your partisan county organizational meeting and asking them to elect you as a party officer or bonus member.  Then stay involved and work together towards good government. 

For a short article describing the process, see https://mycoloradogop.org/3-co-gvt-yours-to-reclaim.  For a more detailed summary, see https://mycoloradogop.org/16-what-is-the-caucus-assembly-convention-process.

Find your county, district and state meetings: 
Republicans https://cologop.org/privacy-policy/county-parties/
(FYI – Democrats https://coloradodems.org/2021reorg/)

Here's a link to find your current government representatives:  https://myreps.datamade.us/
Type in your address and see who works for you!

Remember, Hitler was ELECTED in Austria.    https://www.facebook.com/549034503/posts/10158298446154504/

Here's another article about the GOP Organizational Meetings by Holly:  https://hollyataltitude.com/2021/02/01/revamping-the-colorado-gop-the-time-is-now/

[i] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTh8BNpAtj8&feature=youtu.be (32:40)

[ii] https://www.sos.state.co.us/pubs/info_center/laws/COConstitution/ColoradoConstitution.pdf

ARTICLE IV States and Territories Sec. 4. Republican form of government - protection of states. The United States shall guarantee to every state in this Union a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion; and on application of the legislature or of the executive (when the legislature cannot be convened) against domestic violence.

[iii] https://mycoloradogop.org/16-caucus-assembly-convention-process