Let’s look at the Colorado Secretary of State website together to demystify how you fit into the political process in your precinct.

To find your precinct number, visit the by clicking www.govotecolorado.com. Click on “Register to Vote” or “Find My Registration.” To find your registration, you’ll be asked your First and Last Names, your Zip Code and your Birthday.

First, you’ll find your VOTER DETAILS
Your Voter ID, which is the unique number you’re given by the State of Colorado when you register to vote.
Date of Registration, which must be before 2-14-2020 for you to vote at your precinct caucus.
Registration Status, confirm that it is “Active.”
Party Affiliation. Only registered Republicans and Democrats are eligible to vote in their party’s precinct caucuses. (The caucuses are open to observers.) “Unaffiliated” voters will receive both major party’s primary ballots. They must choose which party’s ballot to use, and they may vote only one ballot.
Date of Affiliation. This date must also be prior to 2-14-2020 and your affiliation must match the party with which you will caucus.
Residential Address. Confirm that this address is correct, as it determines your precinct number. You must have lived at this address prior to 2-14-2020 for you to be eligible to vote in your caucus.

The next tab is BALLOT INFORMATION. The next election held by Boulder County will be the 2020 Presidential Primary Election, ending on 03/03/2020. Ballots will be mailed on 02/10/2020.

The next tab is IN PERSON VOTING. It tells the location of the Voter Service and Polling Centers (VSPC) where you could go and vote in person. (This is an attractive option because voters are verified eligible prior to voting, so their ballots will go directly from the ballot box into the counting process. The mail ballots will go through the signature verification, opening and sorting process prior to counting.)

The next tab is COUNTY & DISTRICT INFORMATION. It tells your precinct number and what it means. This number informs you of the different political districts in which you have a vote. The people at your caucus will all have this same number.

For more information on what the precinct number means, see UNDERSTANDING YOUR PRECINCT NUMBER.