January 21, 2023
By Maurice Emmer

(See The EL PASO FIASCO🔗 for more on this issue.)

Further research reveals the following information that should lead state central committee members to quash the actions being promoted by the state GOP chair.

1.  One if not the main objects behind the special meeting is to disqualify approximately 55 PCPs in EPC who were appointed to fill vacancies from time to time.  The claim is that the appointments are invalid. (Because PCPs can vote in the organizational meeting, the state chair seeks to eliminate the votes of the 55.). I am told that all but one of the 55 were appointed more than 14 days before the special meeting was called.  State bylaws require complaints about such matters as PCP appointments to be brought within 14 days of the appointment.  Claims after 14 days are not allowed. It would be a violation of the bylaws to remove a PCP more than 14 days after appointment on the grounds of invalid appointment.  Yet that is what the state chair seeks.

Despite not honoring the 14 day rule, the state chair proposes to appoint someone other than the EPC chair to conduct the reorganizational meeting.  This of course is beyond the power of the state cc.

2.  The true motivations of the state party chair are revealed by her rejection of a reasonable proposal that was made to her by the El Paso County chair. The EPC chair proposed to the state party chair that the state cc appoint observers to observe any aspects of the EPC reorganizational meeting that they want to observe.  The observers could report their findings to the state cc;  any irregularities could be dealt with in the normal process. The state party chair rejected this, I am told.  I am told the state party chair insists on disregarding the bylaws and installing her own choice to run the meeting.


This situation is very ironic. The state party chair claims that she needs to eject PCPs and take over the EPC reorganizational meeting because of constant turmoil within the Republican ranks in that county. Yet, instead of accepting a reasonable proposal to send observers to ensure the integrity of the reorganizational meeting, an approach that was suggested by the EPC leadership, state party chair insists on sticking with a plan that only will create further disruption. If the state party’s chair gets her way, do not pretend you believe this will be the end of turmoil in the EPC GOP. 
