(Find background information about this issue at THE EL PASO FIASCO.🔗)

January 31, 2023 STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE CIRCUS - by Maurice Emmer

I heard the state central committee narrowly adopted a motion like what I predicted🔗 this afternoon. The resolution attempts to conjure without authority a substitute EPC reorganizational meeting overseen by designees of the state chair.  I admonish CC members who voted yea: don’t vote for a complex motion that you don’t understand and that’s sprung on you at the last minute by a manipulative state chair. The motion is invalid on its face. It violates the EPC bylaws. Sec 4.01 of the EPC bylaws requires 15 days written notice to the county CC members before a meeting. That hasn’t happened and isn’t physically possible by the Feb 11 date set for the meeting.  The state chair and the EPC whiners just wasted a ton of your time.

Best regards,

Maurice Emmer

The cavalry isn’t coming. We are the cavalry.

Thanks for the free trial to Communism. I’d like to cancel now.

(typpos by Appplle)

   The Motion, in part:
That a new call be sent as soon as possible to all members of the El Paso Republican Central
Committee and that the call requirement in the El Paso Bylaws be waived;
That the meeting shall be called to order and be chaired by Temporary Chairman, Gregory
Carlson, Professional Registered Parliamentarian, with Kevin Tebedo, Professional Registered
Parliamentarian serving as Parliamentarian;

See the full DRAFT rules here: https://mcusercontent.com/27121325a99aaafc5838ea407/files/2638eb9b-f0cb-9b67-5d1c-fc2fee4b1868/Proposed_Motion.pdf

I do not have a copy of the final Motion.  It showed up in "Election Buddy" with my electronic voting link, but I forgot to take a screenshot of it.  The motion as passed is not available on the State GOP website.  One would think there would be a record of it, since the vote changed the entire structure of the Colorado Republican Party. 

The El Paso County GOP should be held up as a grand success story.  By following their bylaws and holding firm to the Republican platform, they increased the precinct level representation and turned out a quality "top line" slate of primary ballot candidates. But they have been plagued by a small group of Establishment party members, who broke their pre-primary neutrality requirements and formed the shadow party, the Peak Republicans.  (See $900,000 TO PEAK REPUBLICANS🔗)

The results as per Chairman Kristi Burton Brown:  https://mailchi.mp/705fe0ac38ed/official-call-special-virtual-scc-meeting-january-31-2022-at-7pm-164095?e=b7207bf2f9

Here's an interesting note from Anna Ferguson:

When I looked through the audit again it showed the first vote was cast at 8:40 and the last at 8:57.  Nothing changed from 8:57 to the time they announced the results at 9:30(ish) - same number of votes cast, same number for each yes and no, and same percentages.  The pics even show Completed at the top when I did the screenshot at 9:03.


Continued from Anna - Around 9:00pm I was clicking around on the online voting site and at 9:03pm I took screenshot (#681) and another at 9:42pm (#683).  At 9:30(ish) they announced the final result which was the same exact results as in the picture I took at 9:00pm. 

I also have the chat that shows after 9:00pm many people were still saying they did not have their ballot yet. ElPasoResultsScreenshot681ShadedElPasoResultsScreenshot684Shaded

CLICK HERE to see the "Election Buddy" Audit .pdf file.

Below is an affidavit filed today, February 2, 2023 by John Heimsoth.  John is a Bonus Member of the El Paso County Republicans, and as such should have received a ballot.  He did not, and was told to text his vote to a certain number.  It was 9:16 pm when he was finally able to use this method to cast his NO vote.  Review the documents above - the recording of votes stopped at 8:57 pm.  The voting was officially declared closed around 9:30 pm.  John is just one of over 30 SCC Members who were unable to record their vote with this system.  

I think there is a problem when an "election" is won by less than 19 votes, there are records of the voting closing a half hour prior to being called closed, and over 30 members were unable to vote. 

Kristi Burton Brown's email address is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Here is the lawyer's contact information:



