January 13, 2023
Based on emails I’ve received from friends around CD3, it appears some are misinformed about the state GOP leadership’s approach to open primaries.
The state central committee voted overwhelmingly (maybe unanimously) that the state party should sue the state to nullify the statute that requires open primaries🔗. Many seem to be under the impression that state leadership participated in such a lawsuit. That is not true. State GOP leadership refused to participate, using the excuse that it needed guidance from the Federal Election Commission about imaginary campaign finance issues.
Individuals proceeded🔗 with a lawsuit in Federal District Court in Denver. The case was dismissed🔗 because the state party had not joined as a plaintiff and the court held the state party was indispensable.
The excuse about the Federal Election Commission was just that—an excuse. State party leadership consciously killed the effort to challenge open primaries.
State party leadership has committed a number of other indiscretions🔗. One that comes to mind is interfering in the primary election for secretary of state🔗. Others are obvious efforts to prevent the grass roots of the party from having meaningful influence. With the selection of new state GOP leadership coming soon, I expect other people will publicized additional actions of current state GOP leadership that violate not only specific bylaws and other rules, but also betray the trust of rank and file Colorado Republicans.
The current chair is not running for reelection. But it will be easy to replace her with someone who will commit similar unforced errors. Be very careful in the selection of the next group that leads the Colorado GOP.
Best regards,
Maurice Emmer
(Tiepoes bie Appplle)