By Todd Watkins
I listened to the Dick Wadhams interview with Dan Caplis.🔗
He is the mouthpiece for the profiteering, equivocating faction of the GOP. They want us to believe that open primaries and pandering to the unaffiliated is how things have been all along and we’re attempting some sort of radical never-been-done-before coup by only allowing Republicans to vote for our candidates. It’s a gaslighting technique that has, regrettably, worked on a fair number of Republicans.
The exact opposite is true: Colorado primaries were closed until a mere seven years ago. The radical change was opening them and all the woes this party has borne in election cycles since are directly correlated to open primaries.
So why does Dick Wadhams and the consultant class of the GOP fight so ferociously to protect open primaries? Could it be that they’re making money on these campaigns? We already know that petition candidates are good sources of revenue and many, if not most, of the GOP candidates on the general ballots since open primaries have been petition candidates.
It is also noteworthy that crises make for great fundraising opportunities. Fear-mongering to the GOP faithful has undoubtedly been successful for groups like Advance Colorado, Peak Republicans, et al. If the GOP were successful and there was no imminent threat from tyrannical Dems, their crisis funding would dry up.
A Fast, Hard Left Turn (From August, 2011)
It wasn't much of a prayer, but apparently, it worked. She skidded to a stop, stood up and brushed at her jeans - while the boys in the small truck she had just fallen out of completed the left-hand turn in front of me and pulled over on the side of the road to pick her up.
My light turned green and I drove across the intersection and pulled to a stop behind them.
The boys were using the name as an expletive. They nervously shoved their long hair out of their eyes - more for the sake of doing something with their hands than trying to see. They looked like they were trying to shake themselves out of a bad dream - dumbfounded that their friend was just standing there, unhurt.
Wide-eyed, they came over to my car window. "Jesus Christ!" they said at me.
The 2023 Vacancy Committee meeting to elect a new Vice Chairman for the Colorado Republican Committee served as a testimony to the importance of a well-run, transparent, paper ballot elections. The first round of voting for the Vice Chairman did not produce a majority winner, but it did prove that the electronic credentialing process had failed to count as present at least a dozen members.
Improvements will be made to the credentialing process for the September 30th Opt-Out meeting, and all processes will be tightened up. The August 5th meeting was a good chance for the new Chairman, Dave Williams, to get his teams ready for the Opt-Out meeting.
Below are the forms used for the Teller Committee, and some that were not used but were on hand if needed.
SHHH - DON'T TALK ABOUT (election integrity)
Due to threats to the facility, we must cancel your (shhh - election integrity) event tonight. It's happened more than once. And who knows how many potential events never happened because so many venue owners fear thugs or the IRS (redundancy?) destroying their property or taking away their tax status. I personally have hosted an (ei) event🔗 where the live stream was shut down after only 5 minutes and the account was temporarily closed. (Funny, it was opened again right after the 2022 election!) That night, we recorded a live stream video on another other channel, but it was quickly removed - vanished off of YT. The slides from the presentation are HERE.🔗 EDIT 12-18-2024: One of the channels came back online. The host church's YouTube channel has yet to be restored. Not only was the event recording lost, but years of Sunday morning and Wednesday evening sermons are also completely missing.
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