December 19, 2024

Compiled by Peg Cage,

Tina Peters sits in jail now as a warning to any would-be whistleblower against election corruption in Colorado.  Barb Hulet, the CORA Queen, bravely gave interviews to two journalists to disclose what her Colorado Open Records Act research revealed about some of Mesa County’s “elected” officials’ relationships and dealings with election equipment providers.  The two resulting stories provide the latest chapter in Colorado’s “Gold Standard elections” book of fiction and facts.

The first was titled Truth is Treason in an Empire of Lies, written by Erin Clements and posted on Dec. 2, 2024.  The article builds upon this allegation:

After Peters’ sentencing last month to nine years in prison—new information has surfaced showing that Colorado officials were working for Dominion and Runbeck, while simultaneously orchestrating Peters’ reputational and legal downfall through back channels.

Click above to hear my comments, click below on "Read more..." for transcript.  From the comments:
"This history of the focus of Colorado’s elections has been trending more and more towards electronics and “ballots” and away from votes that citizens believe will decide the people and issues under which they will be governed..."

Common-sense people rejected wokeism, the Democratic Party
By George Tristan

Hillary Clinton, during the 2016 presidential campaign season, referred to Trump supporters as deplorable and irredeemable. In the waning months of the 2024 campaign, President Biden said that Trump supporters were garbage. For all the criticism of President-elect Trump for his distasteful name-calling, Hillary and Joe were no better when they insulted the over 77 million Americans who voted to return Trump back to the Whitehouse.

There is however, one very important distinction that should be acknowledged regarding the name-calling. Trump never disparages the voter. Trump is not shy when attacking his political enemies; on the other hand, the Democrats, and the mainstream media, routinely label Trump supporters as white supremacists, transphobic, insurrectionists, etc., defaming the very people whose votes they need to win office. It would appear that name-calling is not exclusive to any one political party or candidate.
