
June 22, 2024

Two sets of ideologies are reflected in the petitions now circulating to put election initiatives onto the November ballot.  The goal of Kent Thiry’s multi-subject Bad Initiative is to eliminate political parties.  The three single-subject Good Initiatives directly counter his efforts by putting into the Colorado Constitution these protections (more information at

  • Ban Ranked Choice Voting (The vote-manipulation process banned in nine other states)
  • Preserve Party Nominations (Keeps ballot access local and promotes adherence to a Platform)
  • Close the Primaries (Preserves Parties’ First Amendment rights of association and representation)

Thiry is already using the tool by which he wants all elections conducted – money.  He paid lawyers (over $400,000 is a number we’ve heard) to overwhelm the Title Board to get approval for petitioning, and he’s paying six different circulation companies to get signatures.  (The Good Initiatives were quoted $1,000,000 per petition to get the requisite signatures.)  Conversely, the Good Initiatives proponents voluntarily put their three initiatives through the Citizens’ Initiatives process without lawyers and took out a loan for printing the petitions.    

Citizens are guaranteed an honest way to choose the people and laws under which we’ll be governed.  The election process is doubtful now and Thiry’s Bad Initiative would make it worse.  If he’s successful in convincing people to vote for pay-to-play ballot access and 100% machine-manipulated, unauditable elections, we lose the possibility of returning to constitutional one-day elections, where electors are verified with a photo ID and vote in-person, in private, on paper ballots which are locally hand-counted and certified by bipartisan canvass boards. 

The Executive Committee of the CO GOP, the Chairman of the CO Democrat Party, leaders in the CO Libertarian Party, the CO Approval Voting Party and the CO Unity Party all oppose Thiry’s Bad Initiative.  Please join our efforts to fund and circulate these Good Initiatives petitions.  Gather a group of friends, check out some petitions, and flood public places with opportunities for people to sign to get these initiatives onto the ballot.  Return the filled petitions as soon as possible before July 31st.  Find or become a volunteer petition carrier and/or distributor at  Thank you!

The Good Initiatives Team,

Linda Bissett, Candice Stutzriem, Peg Cage, and Michelle Hart




April 23, 2024

By Don Cage

Joe Biden recently remarked that his uncle was shot down and eaten by cannibals in Papua New Guinea during WWII.  The Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea James Marape quickly slammed him for his careless and reckless disparaging remarks.  The shot down part is historically true, the eaten by cannibals part is most probably not.  Joe’s characterization of the local tribesmen during WWII was blatantly racist, offensive, and flies in the face of historical truth.

The Airmen and the Headhunters is a book written by Judith Heimann about a US B24 bomber that was shot down by the Japanese over Papua New Guinea during WWII.  The surviving crew members bailed out as they went down, but at that speed, a few seconds’ delay meant hundreds or thousands of yards separation between them as they landed in dense jungle with no way to find each other.

Luckily for the airmen, they were eventually picked up by the local “Headhunters” who, instead of eating them, hid them from the Japanese soldiers who came looking for them, having seen their parachutes going down.  These Headhunters having endured years of abuse at the hands of the Japanese soldiers were more than happy to help the US airmen hide out for months and reunite until they could figure out a way to get back to the allied lines.  The Headhunters even endured torture at the hands of the Japanese soldiers without divulging the location of the Americans.

It's a heartwarming true story that crosses all racial and cultural lines during a desperate and brutal time in our history.  I highly recommend it.  ISBN 978-0-15-101434-7

ToddWatkinsConflictedPoliticsResolution 4 12 2024

Every American should hate politics or at least have a trepidatious respect for it in the same way people who live near an active volcano respect the destructive power of pyroclastic energy. Both can have disastrous effects on those who live within their reach. But I’m not a geologist. I’m the Vice Chairman of the El Paso County Republican Party, so this will be about politics. And more specifically, how political conflicts of interest can be destructive to more than those within a political party. My name is Todd and I hate politics.
